Hi and Welcome!  I'm glad you stopped by.  This is just a quick note to say the Tool Box is undergoing content updates, major formatting and layout changes for 2025.  I am performing this work as time allows so I greatly appreciate your patience.  The changes are not limited to this landing page but also to the content of each individual category.  There is alot of content so to make it a good experience for the reader / seeker and also optimized for search engines is going to take awhile.  Thanks again and enjoy your time here 🙂  

The Tool Box

This pink & gray book says Tool Box on the front. It is meant to convey the need for practical ways to walk out the Christian Faith

A Daily Workbook
“practical ways to live & strengthen your Christian faith”

Life tools are essential in the Christian walk because they provide guidance, encouragement, and wisdom for daily living.  The Tool Box is something I've put together over many years, one topic at a time.  Being able to take biblical truths and putting them in the context of our everyday lives is so important.  If we don't learn how to do this, our lives in Christ will never really gain traction and prove to be meaningful and fruitful. 

Give thought to the following sayings:

Remain in Christ -- Abide in Me -- Enter My Rest -- My Yoke is Easy -- Eat My Flesh / Drink My Blood

Life is very noisy and the culture of the USA is oriented toward busyness, high activity and hustling.  Slowing down simply to breathe, reflect, listen and to give our thoughts time and space to grow and blossom is rarely practiced to the extent that we truly need.

So, what should we understand from the above sayings?  Well, as it says in Hebrews, make every effort to enter My Rest.  It sounds strange to couple effort and rest together but nevertheless it's among the truest statements you'll ever read.  What it's saying is the following:

  • Don't dilly dally & waste time
  • The secret to overcoming the pull or temptation of the world is in Jesus
  • The time to discipline your body & mind is NOW
  • Making a conscious choice to follow Jesus is not once but is actually a lifestyle
  • Abide in His authority or you'll give authority to the world, your flesh and dark spirits
  • There is a real spiritual war ongoing for your soul
  • Start managing your emotions - feelings - desires.  Nurture life in Christ Jesus

This is why I started the Tool Box.  The primary purpose was not something I intended to write and share.  It was a way to help me think through the things I struggled with to help connect Godly biblical truth to the practical reality of messy, everyday life.  It's so I could actually learn how to enter His rest to truly practice and nurture His presence.  

IMPORTANT:  Reading the Tool Box or anything else will profit you little to nothing unless you're ready

Is there a deep conviction, a weariness, an unshakeable knowing within you that something is missing...not quite right?  Maybe you're struggling with feelings and emotions, addictions, sensual & material desires.  Possibly you're holding onto your hobby, career or other things too tightly and it's become an idol that takes more than it gives. 

All of these things create a feeling of lack, of loneliness that drives us increasingly into more chaos, destructive patterns, harmful habits or simply shallow living.  If any of this is striking a nerve AND you're tired of going down that road then perhaps you're ready to die to that old life and embrace new life in Christ Jesus.  

Read the different sections of the Tool Box.  Give the Holy Spirit time and space to let truth take root and begin the work of renewal and transformation in your life.  Remember you're not to do this alone.  We need each other for encouragement and help.  Yes, walking through life with people, saved and unsaved, is often difficult, annoying and messy.  It's also beautiful, rich, rewarding and necessary for growth. 

Reach out to chat and visit if you like.  I certainly hope the best for you in your journey with the Lord.  Persevere, don't give up, start now.  


Note:  I work on this site as time allows.  Everything here will eventually follow the format of the Prologue below with a Read More button.  Thanks for your patience and enjoy!

Tool Box Prologue

This prologue shares some of my thoughts and journey.  It talks about the "tools of life".  What works and doesn't work?  There are good thoughts and questions here to ponder.


Picture of clear water, trees and mountains. Meant to illustrate abiding in God.

This prologue shares some of my thoughts and journey.  It talks about the "tools of life".  What works and doesn't work?  There are good thoughts and questions here to ponder.

All Paths Lead to Heaven?

Image of winding path in a meadow. Meant to illustrate only one path to heaven.

Jesus was very clear when He said, "No one comes to the Father except through Me."  Religions have different views about who God is and His ways so it's challenging to conclude that all paths lead to Him.  This will help you to reason through this very important question.  

The Armor of God

Picture of body armor. To illustrate the armor of God.

Jesus has won.  Hallelujah!  He now invites us to fight from the victory He has secured.  

The Attributes of God

Colorful image of a swirling galaxy. Meant to illustrate the attributes of God

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The Battle

2 mountain goats battling on boulders on mountain. Meant to illustrate how we battle evil as Christians

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The Beatitudes

Cartoon image of Jesus teaching. Meant to illustrate the Beatitudes passage

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The Bible

Open bible next to a candle.

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The Brain - Neuroplasticity & Spiritual Growth

Colorful human brain. Meant to illustrate neuroplasticity, learning and growth

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Image with words going in all different directions describing various emotions and feelings from circumstances.

The "ingredients" of circumstances consist of internal & external factors.  There are conditions of diverse influences that happen to us and then there is the way we respond to this.  This process shapes and influences our lives.  What should we do?

Conduct of Believers

Two young men shaking hands. Meant to illustrate good conduct of Godly believers.

Serious Christians live like a professional top performing athlete in an intense competition. 


Transparent Dove (Holy Spirit) holding a branch in mouth hovering over water. Meant to illustrate the confidence we have in Christ

Serious Christians live like a professional top performing athlete in an intense competition. 

Daily Reminders / Cautions

Image of a smiley face with reminder post it. Meant to illustrate how we need to always think about important Godly things daily

We are to be careful in what we see and hear.  These things have an impact.  We need constant reminders and do well to stir ourselves up to remain fixed upon the call of God in Christ Jesus.

Thick dark clouds, meant to illustrate God dwelling in darkness

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Declarations of Praise

Young person standing in front of a waterfall. Arms spread to the side. Meant to illustrate praise to the Lord

These are biblical statements of praise.  It is good to dwell and meditate upon these declarations.  Read and stir up the truth of these scriptures within you and offer to the Lord in your quiet time with Him.

Water spout filling up a wooden trough. Meant to illustrate our desire for God and His ways.

These are biblical statements of praise.  It is good to dwell and meditate upon these declarations.  Read and stir up the truth of these scriptures within you and offer to the Lord in your quiet time with Him.


Rows of emoji with different facial expressions. Meant to illustrate our changing emotions.

Triggers are part of life.  We're surrounded by people with different personalities, being challenged with social pressures and environmental cues.  This writing will help you to understand and navigate emotions.


Image of 2 people on a hill slope. One is reaching out to pull the other up. Meant to illustrate evangelism

Triggers are part of life.  We're surrounded by people with different personalities, being challenged with social pressures and environmental cues.  This writing will help you to understand and navigate emotions.

Image of walking a tight rope. Meant to illustrate faith

Triggers are part of life.  We're surrounded by people with different personalities, being challenged with social pressures and environmental cues.  This writing will help you to understand and navigate emotions.

Faith Proclamations

Hands holding the cross and letter that spell Jesus. Meant to illustrate faith proclamations

Triggers are part of life.  We're surrounded by people with different personalities, being challenged with social pressures and environmental cues.  This writing will help you to understand and navigate emotions.

Falling Away

Person standing at the edge of a cliff. Meant to illustrate falling away from faith in God

Triggers are part of life.  We're surrounded by people with different personalities, being challenged with social pressures and environmental cues.  This writing will help you to understand and navigate emotions.

Fear of the Lord

Picture of God's large hand in the sky reaching toward a person walking along a path. Meant to illustrate the Fear of the Lord

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Focus Points of Prayer

Image of old man praying. Meant to illustrate the importance of focusing on prayer.

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Food & Healthy Eating

Picture of fruits and veggies in a heart shape meant to illustrate and highlight scriptures about the importance of eating healthy and honoring our bodies.

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Cartoon picture of a "fool". Meant to illustrate content about fools behavior in the Bible

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Foundational Living

Image of a house sitting on an open bible. Meant to illustrate the idea of foundational living.

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Free Will

Image with Yes, No, Maybe check boxes. Meant to illustrate free will.

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Fruit of the Spirit

Dove with wings tips on fire. Meant to illustrate the Fruit of the Holy Spirit

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God the Father

Moses and the burning bush. Meant to illustrate a rendering of God

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God's Glory

Sky, clouds and sun. Stunning landscape to illustrate God's Glory.

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God's Promises, Desires & Truth

Rainbow in the sky. Meant to illustrate God's Promises

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Growth in Christ

Little seedlings in a raw that are increasing in height. Meant to illustrate growth in Christ

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Healing School

Beautiful tree in sun rise and reflection on water. Meant to illustrate God's healing graces

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The Heart

Light purple picture of a sunflower inside a darker purple shaped heart. Meant to illustrate our hearts toward God

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Many hands reaching upward. Meant to illustrate Hell

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Holy Spirit

Image of a white dove. Meant to illustrate the Holy Spirit

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4 different color hearts and each has a letter spelling out hope. Meant to illustrate hope in Christ Jesus

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Hungering for God

The bible on a plate with silverware. Meant to illustrate hungering for God

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I AM Scriptures

Jesus carrying a cross. Meant to illustrate He is the I AM

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2 people kneeling and praying to a gold dollar sign. Meant to illustrate the dangers of idols

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Person standing on a hill with arms reached toward Heaven. Meant to illustrate joy of the Lord

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Kingdom Life

Kingdom Life, A picture of a cartoon tree with the fruit of the spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, etc....

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Cartoon image of young man chasing dollar in a string about to step in a hole. Meant to illustrate the Lost, or not knowing God

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A person meant to be Jesus hugging another person with angels behind. Meant to be a display of His love.

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Image of Moulin Rouge. Meant to illustrate the dangers of lust

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A picture spelling out mindset. Having the mind of Christ Jesus

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The Names of God

Collage of the Names of God

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New Covenant

Crown of thorns, cup of juice, stake and bread. Meant to illustrate the New Covenant

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Picture of 3 crosses. Meant to illustrate the peace of Jesus

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Power, Strength & Boldness

Silhouette of a man jumping over a gap between land. Meant to illustrate Power, Strength and Boldness in God

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Prayer & Asking

Holding hands across the bible. Meant to illustrate prayer & asking God

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Prayer Study Course

Study materials on a table. Meant to illustrating the study of prayer

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Cartoon image of a proud man. Meant to illustrate the pride vs humility

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Psalms of Praise

Blocks spelling out praise. Meant to illustrate psalms of praise.

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Quick Tools

Small tools in pants pocket. Meant to illustrate quick life tools to access as a follower of Jesus

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Reminding, Watching, Remembering

Picture of old red clock. Meant to illustrate the importance of reminders of watching and remembering the things we learn as Jesus followers.

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Rewards in Heaven

Picture of heaven, meant to illustrate Rewards in Heaven

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Satisfied & Content

3 happy dogs sitting in a meadow. Meant to illustrate satisfaction and content in Jesus

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Book cover that says "something needs to change". Meant to illustrate seeking God and being renewed in Him

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Close up picture of a blue eye. Meant to illustrate seeking Jesus

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Sermon on the Mount

Jesus teaching sermon on the mount.

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Seductive hands holding an apple. Meant to illustrate sin

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Smith Wigglesworth Quotes

Smith Wigglesworth photo, British Evangelist

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Spiritual Journey - Basic Outline

Image of road, grassy field and stone bridge. Meant to illustrate the idea of our Christian spiritual journey

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Spiritual Senses

Open book in the sky with water falls pouring out. Meant to illustrate spiritual senses in the Holy Spirit

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Time - Using Wisely

Man jumping over a clock. Meant to illustrate using time wisely.

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The "Triggers" Prayer

Cartoon image of young lady with spinning image around head. Meant to illustrate triggers in life and how to pray

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The Trinity

God's open hands, Jesus on a cross, and white dove. Father Son and Holy Spirit. Meant to illustrate the Trinity

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Understanding Sacrifice

Wooden cross. Meant to illustrate understanding sacrifice

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Green sprouts growing up through gold coin stacks. Meant to illustrate internal & external wealth

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Who does God say I am?

Older man sitting against a tree. Meant to illustrate who does God say I am?

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Man working in shop. Meant to introduce the writing about work from God's perspective

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The "Tool Book" Section

Against the Tide

Against the Tide, Book cover, Nancy Missler. About getting beyond our emotions

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Atomic Habits

Book cover for Atomic Habits.

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Authentic Christianity

Authentic Christianity by Ray Stedman, book cover

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Authority in Jesus Name

The Wonderful Name of Jesus, Book cover picture by EW Kenyon.

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Man's Search for Meaning

Man's Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl, book cover

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It's Your Ship

It's Your Ship book cover, Michael Abrashoff

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Practicing His Presence

A book cover for Practicing His Presence by Brother Lawrence & Frank Laubach. Wonderful Christian literature about closely walking with God

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