The Tool Box

This pink & gray book says Tool Box on the front. It is meant to convey the need for practical ways to walk out the Christian Faith

A Daily Workbook
“practical ways to live & strengthen your Christian faith”

Life tools are essential in the Christian walk because they provide guidance, encouragement, and wisdom for daily living.  The Tool Box is something I've put together over many years, one topic at a time.  Being able to take biblical truths and putting them in the context of our everyday lives is so important.  If we don't learn how to do this, our lives in Christ will never really gain traction and prove to be meaningful and fruitful. 

Give thought to the following sayings:

Remain in Christ -- Abide in Me -- Enter My Rest -- My Yoke is Easy -- Eat My Flesh / Drink My Blood

Life is very noisy and the culture of the USA is oriented toward busyness, high activity and hustling.  Slowing down simply to breathe, reflect, listen and to give our thoughts time and space to grow and blossom is rarely practiced to the extent that we truly need.

So, what should we understand from the above sayings?  Well, as it says in Hebrews, make every effort to enter My Rest.  It sounds strange to couple effort and rest together but nevertheless it's among the truest statements you'll ever read.  What it's saying is the following:

  • Don't dilly dally & waste time
  • The secret to overcoming the pull or temptation of the world is in Jesus
  • The time to discipline your body & mind is NOW
  • Making a conscious choice to follow Jesus is not once but is actually a lifestyle
  • Abide in His authority or you'll give authority to the world, your flesh and dark spirits
  • There is a real spiritual war ongoing for your soul
  • Start managing your emotions - feelings - desires.  Nurture life in Christ Jesus

This is why I started the Tool Box.  The primary purpose was not something I intended to write and share.  It was a way to help me think through the things I struggled with to help connect Godly biblical truth to the practical reality of messy, everyday life.  It's so I could actually learn how to enter His rest to truly practice and nurture His presence.  

IMPORTANT:  Reading the Tool Box or anything else will profit you little to nothing unless you're ready

Is there a deep conviction, a weariness, an unshakeable knowing within you that something is missing...not quite right?  Maybe you're struggling with feelings and emotions, addictions, sensual & material desires.  Possibly you're holding onto your hobby, career or other things too tightly and it's become an idol that takes more than it gives. 

All of these things create a feeling of lack, of loneliness that drives us increasingly into more chaos, destructive patterns, harmful habits or simply shallow living.  If any of this is striking a nerve AND you're tired of going down that road then perhaps you're ready to die to that old life and embrace new life in Christ Jesus.  

Read the different sections of the Tool Box.  Give the Holy Spirit time and space to let truth take root and begin the work of renewal and transformation in your life.  Remember you're not to do this alone.  We need each other for encouragement and help.  Yes, walking through life with people, saved and unsaved, is often difficult, annoying and messy.  It's also beautiful, rich, rewarding and necessary for growth. 

Reach out to chat and visit if you like.  I certainly hope the best for you in your journey with the Lord.  Persevere, don't give up, start now.