The Renewal Process
--- In Ephesians 4:24, I’d like you to take special consideration in understanding how our new selves are created in the truth of righteousness. It is important to grasp the practical application of this scripture in the renewal process of our daily lives. Our new selves are created in the likeness of God. This means the nature and ways of God now become our ways. Romans 10:10 says that it is with the heart that a person believes, and that believing results in righteousness. The origin of the word heart conveys the idea of thoughts and feelings. Since we now live according to our new nature in God, we also share in the wonderful life of His thoughts and feelings! So, rest in the realization that living a righteous life is not by your efforts. This means, you surrender and submit your emotions, the things of the flesh, all the thoughts and feelings and lay them at the feet of the Father as a way of life from here forward. You begin practicing this through getting quiet in His presence, listening to what He wants to say to you, worshipping and lifting up whatever he lays upon your spirit in prayer. Learn to let the Holy Spirit lead you in all areas of time, focus, priorities, energies spent, activities planned and everything else. Most importantly, learn that your inner peace only comes from Him. Circumstances cannot take away the true peace we have in Him. The peace that comes from a life practicing abiding in Him as He abides in us. It is like a gentle flowing stream through the innermost places in your spirit even though there may be a storm raging all around you. Pray and ask your Father to direct all your thoughts and feelings toward the fulfillment of His plans that He has laid before you in this time. ---