Christian Resources for Growth.....and Fun!


This little cartoon graphic is just a fun way to draw attention to this very important question; what does it take to stay on target in our walk with the Lord?  It's great to read, to learn, to dive into resources and feed our minds.  I've done alot of these things over the years.  There is nothing wrong with these activities, however, this is of very little value unless we are practically walking in relationship with Him!

Knowing about our heavenly Father and knowing Him personally and intimately are 2 very different things.  Have you ever directed these type of questions to the Lord, "Do I really know you, Do I truly trust you, Do I believe you love me no matter what the circumstances look like?" 

Have you placed complete faith and trust in Him, especially in the darkest and most difficult of times, trusting that He is in control, that He is King, that He knows what is best?  When you close your eyes and direct the focus of your spirit to Him, do you sense a deep peace, a bottomless joy, a fullness of understanding that His abiding life in you is your greatest treasure and there is no equal?  Is there even a second thought that you would give everything you own just to be with Him? 

Have you laughed with Him?  Have you cried with Him?  Do you know the deep yearning and desire to be with Him, just the two of you, in a time of prayer and worship that produces an excitement you can hardly contain?

This, my friend, is just the tip of the iceburg that comes from an active life of walking with our Father and our King, Jesus Christ.  This is a Holy Spirit filled life that places our daily choices of faith above what we feel and what our emotions tell us to do.  It truly is the only way to live the Christian life where you walk in the power and grace of the living God.


In this section, are resources of people and organizations that I either have met, known personally, or followed and researched for a length of time and has proven out to be fruitful, biblical, and instrumental in shaping my own walk with the Lord.  I'm also including information for worship music that I love!

No compensation of any kind is made from these resources.  I simply share them for the reasons stated above.  I make my living from a  job in the business world and I only want to see the Kingdom of God grow.  Enjoy 🙂

LIVEWICK MEDIA ... to simply follow Jesus, right here, right now, together

Professor Leighton Flowers is the voice behind Soteriology 101.  Dr. Flowers, as of 2018, is the Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists and is an Adjunct Professor of Theology for Trinity Seminary.  This is an excellent resource for explaining the Provisionist (free will) biblical perspective and offers answers for those that desire to learn more about Reformed Theology, Calvinism, predestination, the belief of determinism and how that is different from God's Sovereignty and much more!

Living Waters, founded by Ray Comfort, is an organization that offers wonderful videos and teaching materials that serves to equip and encourage followers of Christ to grow in their faith and share the gospel.  Also check out their Way of the Master TV series!

German theologian, Wolfgang Simson.  Is there a church beyond CAWKI (Church as we know it)?  Visit his website here to learn more.

Her music is referred to as friendly folk.  I first heard her songs through Frontier Alliance International and one of their videos, Sheep Among Wolves.  Her heart and love for the Lord is clearly heard through her worship that flows from her songs.  Check out some listening samples through Amazon for several of her albums here.  Consider supporting her work and buying her albums.

Sentimental Creatures

Sentimental Creatures


Gallows (Christ Church Cathedral, Jerusalem)

Parallels + Meridians

Parallels + Meridians

This is another group that I would call in the"Christian Folk" genre with a creative twist.  A very artistic group with a wonderful heart for genuine worship.  Give them a sample listen by following the album links below and consider buying their albums and supporting their work.



All Things New
