Declarations of Praise
Declarations of Praise!
Use these condensed declarations taken from the book of Psalms to use as a tool to sit and worship in the Father's presence. It will bring a fresh richness in your time together!
- I know Your name and put my trust in You.
- You do not abandon those who seek You.
- You are King forever and ever
- You hear the desires of the humble & strengthen their hearts
- You are the defender of the oppressed
- You are righteous and the upright behold Your face
- I trust in Your loving kindness
- My heart rejoices in Your salvation
- You are my Lord and I have no good besides You
- I bless You Lord for You counsel me
- You are at my side – my heart is glad – out of my abundance I rejoice
- You Oh Lord are my rock – my fortress – my deliverer
- You Oh Lord are my shield – my security – my refuge
- You train my hands for battle
- Your gentleness makes me great
- You enlarge my steps so I do not slip
- You live Oh Lord – blessed be my Rock
- May the words of my mouth and the whisperings of my heart find favor and bring delight to You Oh Lord
- You lead me to quiet waters and restore my soul
- I fear no evil for You are with me
- You are strong and mighty – truly the King of Glory
- Lead me in Your truth and teach me
- You teach the humble Your ways – All of Your paths are loving kindness and truth as I walk with You
- You are my light and my salvation
- You are the God of glory who thunders and whose voice is powerful and majestic
- Your voice produces carved flames of fire and shakes the lands
- You give strength and bless Your people with peace
- Your anger is short and Your favor is lasting. Weeping will come but joy comes shortly after
- You are my hiding place – You keep me from trouble – You surround me with songs of deliverance
- You Oh Lord break and frustrate the counsel of nations and the plans of people
- Your advice and counsel / stands forever – The plans of Your heart are from generation to generation
- You look from heaven - You see all the sons of men – You have fashioned the hearts of all and understand their works
- I put my trust in You Oh Lord – Not in the works of men, nor in mighty armies
- Your eyes Oh Lord are upon those who revere You – upon those who hope for Your loving kindness
- Your favor is upon Your people – You deliver us and meet our needs
- According to how we hope in You, is the measure of Your loving kindness over our lives
- I taste and see that You are good – I know that those who seek You shall be supplied with every good thing
- Your eyes are toward the righteous and Your ears hear the cries of Your people
- You are near to the broken hearted and save those who are crushed in spirit
- I commit my way to You – I trust in You
- I delight in You and rejoice that You are the Giver of my hearts desires
- You establish my steps – You hold my hand
- You set my feet upon the rock and make my foot steps to be firm
- You put a new song in my mouth – songs of praise to You
- Oh Lord, be magnified in every place and in every way
- You are King over all the earth – You reign over all the nations
- Your praise flows to the ends of the earth – Your right hand is full of righteousness
- I put my trust in You – I shall not be afraid
- I revere You Oh God – display Your banner of truth
- In Your loving kindness I shall take refuge in Your wings
- My soul thirsts for You – my flesh yearns for You
- You make the dawn and the sunset shout for joy
- As smoke is driven away, may Your enemies be scattered
- As wax melts before fire, may the wicked perish before You Oh God
- Your streams Oh God are full of water – Your paths are full of abundance – You bless the growth of the earth
- You make a home for the lonely – You lead prisoners into prosperity – only the rebellious dwell in a parched land
- Blessed be Your name forever – may the earth be filled with Your glory
- You have established the boundaries of the earth
- Your way is holy – You are the God who works wonders
- We are Your people and the sheep of Your pasture
- My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God
- You Oh Lord are merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving kindness and truth
- Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne
- Loving kindness and truth go before You
- From everlasting to everlasting You are God
- It is good to dwell in Your presence – to abide in Your ways
- It is good to give thanks and to sing praises to You Oh Lord
- Your thoughts are deep and I sing for joy at the works of Your hands
- The depths of the earth and the peaks of the mountains are in Your hands
- Great are You Lord and greatly to be praised
- Splendor, majesty, strength and beauty are before You
- You Oh Lord perform righteous deeds and judgments for all who are oppressed
- You remove my transgressions as far as the east is from the west
- You water the mountains from Your upper chambers – The earth is satisfied with the fruit of Your works
- May the glory of the Lord endure forever
- To fear you Oh Lord is the beginning of wisdom
- From the rising to the setting of the sun I will praise Your name
- You give to those You love, even in our sleep. I shall not work in vain
- You search me and know me – You know when I sit down and rise up – You understand my thoughts – You are intimately acquainted with all my ways
- Your greatness is unsearchable – Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom – Your dominion endures throughout all generations
- You sustain all who fall and raise up all who are bowed down
- You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing
- You are righteous in all Your ways and kind in all of Your deeds
- You are near to all who call upon You in truth
- You keep all those who love You - the wicked You will destroy
- You heal the broken hearted – you bind up our wounds
- You count the stars and give each one a name