Part II – God’s rest, sword, & judgement

To show an innermost place in our spirit

Hello again.  So, we last left off with the question of how does God's judgment and the imagery of swords tie into God's rest.  Also, how do we practically deal with the thoughts & attitudes we carry everyday & how that connects to how we enter into and maintain a steadiness in our walk with the Lord?

Ok, so let's give this a go, shall we?  First of all it's very important to understand why does God even want us to enter into his rest?  John 4:24 says, "God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."  Our natural "bent" is to operate in and handle all of life's challenges out of our soul.  We are faced with an issue, challenge or problem and we immediately employ critical thinking, tap into our education, experience & talents to solve it.  There is a place for these things in our life, but we must discipline ourselves in learning to look inward, to hear God's voice and accept his leading, his course of action as we step through these issues in life.  There are things in the natural where the Lord expects us to handle from the knowledge we have in our souls.  As we seek and grow in his ways, we come to a greater understanding of how to walk these things out in various situations.  As the scripture clearly says, God is spirit and it is by the spirit that he leads us.  Romans 8:14, "because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God."

To try and make this direct and simple, the imagery of the sword and God's judgment points to his word reaching the innermost places of our spirit.  The deepest recesses (image of the remote cabin and snow above) is where the sword penetrates (Hebrews 4:12).  It is this place within our spirit that God judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.  This paints the picture that he is the D I S C E R N E R.  He goes straight to the source and puts his loving, Heavenly Fatherly finger sternly on that place where we are living out our own solutions to handling life instead of allowing him to be king, to sit on the throne of our lives (our spirit man) and lead us.

Bottom line, in him is rest.  We must learn to lay down our own agenda, opinions, talents, reactions, feelings, emotions, etc....  We must learn to look for ways to practice self discipline & self control in areas like these each and every day so that we may grow into spiritual maturity.  As we become more self disciplined (by his grace & abiding life) then his rest fills us up.  As this happens, anxiety, fear, worry, displaced by peace, hope, strength and boldness.  In other words, we begin to grow up!  Our relationship with him becomes so rich and such a treasure and we truly become a transformed beautiful bride that Christ deserves!  Praise God!!

I hope this encourages you and helps to clearly show how important this process is in our daily lives in Christ.  Now, go and do it! Happy Face GIFs | Tenor


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