Daily Reminders / CAUTIONS
Watch What I Take In
What I take into my eyes will affect my thoughts. This influences my desires and actions. When I consume worldly things, I move away from the light and life in Christ. What I watch may not be “bad,” but it doesn’t bring true life.
Be cautious of the words and topics I hear. The input I receive will directly impact my output and actions. Will this positively affect my future, both short term and long term?
Philippians 3:14
"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
Keep the Day's Goals in Mind
Rest in Him, knowing that whatever happens today, the truth of this scripture should guide my thoughts. Recognize that today is a training day.
1 Corinthians 9:24
"Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win."
Evaluate Your Choices
Is what I watch and listen to contributing to my training for the prize? Ask: "Will it help me win?"
God Exists
Wake up and remember that God is there. He knows my thoughts, desires, and distractions. He loves me, calls me, and deserves my full attention. Walk in the fear of the Lord.
Jesus Died and Rose Again
Remember the cross. It represents His nature and His way of living and giving. Through Jesus, I am reconciled to the Father. Ask: "How much of myself should I give today?" Everything. Don’t waste the precious resources God gave me—my eyes and ears.
Choose to Suffer in the Flesh
Are my choices grieving the Holy Spirit? Remember to flee from temptation.
Live in Thankfulness
I deserve hell for my sin, but Jesus saved me. Live in thanks and rejoice! Live as though heaven is my destiny.
My Days Are Numbered
Keep the fact that my days are numbered in focus. Make today a day to serve the Lord in all I watch, listen to, and do. Pray for joy and sobriety. Do not fear death but see it as the end of a fruitful race. Death is the continuation of my life in Christ, free from the flesh.
Think About Eternity
Look forward to the joy of a new heaven and earth. Remember to place my hope in the Lord, not in earthly pursuits.
Praise God Always
Live with gratitude, even in trials. Remember, I am healed, whole, full of light, and loved by God. I am a new creation in Christ, whether I feel like it or not.
Set My Mind on Things Above
Colossians 3:1-2
"Therefore, if you have been raised with Christ, keep seeking the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on the things that are above, not on the things that are on earth."
Restrictions & Boundaries
God gives us gifts to enjoy within boundaries. These boundaries protect and benefit us. Always keep this reality fresh in my mind. When I cross boundaries, I hinder my growth and allow the enemy authority. Pray for the Spirit’s guidance to discern the boundaries in every area of life.
Win the Race
Stay unsatisfied with anything less than the best.
Focus on one thing, not many. Specialize.
Live for His Kingdom. Stay focused.
Press on and apply myself fully.
Obey the rules and stay committed.