Armor of God

Ephesians 6

We do not fight for victory but from His victory


  1. The Belt of Truth

    • The truth of God’s word must control our lives.
    • His truth strengthens us to resist the devil and persevere.
    • We must take the word into our minds and apply it in our lives.
    • Satan is a liar. This is his strongest tool.
    • Unless we constantly feed on the word and His life, we will fall for lies in weak moments.

    The Breastplate of Righteousness

    • Put on the breastplate of righteousness, which is God's verdict of approval.
    • It is what is right in His eyes.
    • Protect your desires and emotions, as they influence decisions.
    • Obey the faith that God births in your inner self, in the heart of your spirit.
    • This is not about our righteousness but the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
    • Satan wants to influence our minds so we fall short repeatedly.
    • He brings accusations against us, pointing his finger at God.
    • He uses guilt to beat us down and make us quit.

    Standing in Righteousness

    • Stand your ground.
    • Remind yourself and the accuser that you wear the righteousness of Jesus Christ, not your own dirty rags.

    The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace

    • Strap on your feet the firm foundation of the gospel.
    • God’s gift of wholeness comes when all essential parts are joined together.
    • Satan is the destroyer. He seeks the destruction of our lives.
    • We must stand on the firm foundation of the gospel.
    • Justified by faith in Jesus Christ, we have peace with God.
    • With that peace, we can stand and face anything.

    Psalm 40: "He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the mud. He set my feet on a rock, making my footsteps firm."

    • Standing firm means we must move and fight the enemy to make progress.
      Numbers 33:53: "You shall take possession of the land and live in it, for I have given the land to you."
    • We are to fight and stand firm so the enemy cannot shake us.

    The Shield of Faith

    • Take up the shield of faith to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
    • Satan tries to influence our minds with ungodly thoughts.
    • His goal is to inflict pain, misery, and wear us out.
    • Our faith, trust, and confidence in God come from His word.

    Romans 10:17: "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ."

    • The Lord births faith in us as we yield to Him.
    • Why does He do this? So we may know what He prefers.
    • He woos and draws us toward His will, where power and life abound.

    The Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit

    • Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
    • Protect your soul and feed constantly on the Living Hope of salvation.
    • Actively renew your mind through the word, prayer, and worship.
    • This is the abiding life.