Colossians 3:23

  • Do work with great desire & affection, unto the Lord, not people.

2 Corinthians 12:10

  • Be content, embrace weakness in hardship
  • In Christ, we are strong

Ecclesiastes 3:13

  • Be satisfied in your work

Hebrews 13:5

  • Remain free from the love of money
  • Be content always
  • He will never leave nor forsake you

Isaiah 58:11

  • The Lord guides continually
  • He satisfies our desires
  • He makes our bones strong
  • Makes us like a watered garden which never fails

John 6:35

  • Jesus is the bread of life
  • In Him we shall not hunger
  • In Him we shall not thirst

Mark 4:19

  • Wordly cares choke the word
  • False hope of riches and sensual desires choke the word

Matthew 5:6

  • Satisfaction comes from hungering and thirsting for righteousness

Matthew 6:25

  • Do not worry about life
  • Heavenly Father will feed you
  • Live like the birds, w/ purpose but not w/ anxiousness

Matthew 6:33

  • Don’t crave or desperately seek after things
  • Seek first His Kingdom
  • Seek His Righteousness
  • All these things will be added

Philippians 4:11

  • Learn to be content
  • See what it means to be brought low
  • See what it means to abound
  • Learn to face plenty, hunger, abundance and need

Philippians 4:19

  • God supplies every need
  • Needs are met within the riches of God’s glory in Christ Jesus

Proverbs 16:3

  • Commit to the Lord, whatever you do
  • He will establish your plans

Proverbs 19:23

  • Fear of the Lord leads to life
  • Fear the Lord and find rest

Psalm 16:11

  • He makes known the path of life
  • In Him is fullness of joy
  • At His right hand are pleasures forever

Psalm 37:4

  • Delight in the Lord
  • He shall fulfill our desires

Romans 15:13

  • God of hope fills with joy and peace
  • Abounding in hope is by the power of the Holy Spirit

1 Timothy 6:6,7

  • Be content and full in living a Godly life.
  • We bring nothing at birth & will take nothing at death

1 Timothy 6:10

  • Flee from love of money
  • Pursue righteousness, holiness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness

1 Timothy 6:17,19

  • Set our hope in God, not in riches
  • God richly supplies all things for us to enjoy
  • Be rich in good works, generous and ready to share
  • Take hold of true life