Quick Tools


I recommend using these quick tools during the periods of your day that time is especially limited.  When I sense I’ve jumped the curb these are great tools to pick up, use and immediately become refocused and realigned.  The key is to take a couple of deep slow breaths, maybe close your eyes and let the Holy Spirit speak to you regarding which tool(s) to pick up.  When using the tools, I have found that speaking slowly and allowing Him to lead and minister to you will yield fruitful results.


Thought Tool:  This has the ability to shape how we process outside stimuli and dictates how we respond.

How to use the thought tool:

  • 1 Corinthians 2:10-13, 2 Corinthians 10:4,5

Prayer:  Father, thank you that I have received Your Spirit, so that I may know the things that you have freely given to me.  Please teach me to speak these gifts, through the power of Your Spirit, as my spiritual thoughts are combined with spiritual words.  I will take every thought captive in obedience to You for the weapons of my warfare are not of the flesh but are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.

  • Hebrews 4:12

Prayer:  Father, thank you that your word is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword.  Your word is able to pierce and divide the soul and spirit and to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.  Nothing is hidden from your sight.  All things are open and laid bare; visible before your eyes.

Love Tool:  This is a powerful tool that is used to grow and direct our feelings resulting from attraction or a shared life with others.

How to use the love tool:

  • 1 John 2:15

Prayer:  Father, I commit to love You and Your ways.  I choose to not give my love to the world nor any of the things in the world.  Your love is shaping and leading my life.  I recognize the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride that leads to destruction.  I know these things are not from You but are of the world.  I choose You and to do Your will.

  • 1 Corinthians 13:4

Prayer:  Father, I choose patience above anxiousness and I choose kindness over jealousy.  I know that arrogance and selfishness has no place in practicing love.  If I am wronged by someone I choose to focus on You and not the unrighteous acts of people against me for Your Word is truth.  With love, I can bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, and endure all things.

Action Tool:  The action tool puts words and physical expression to our thoughts.

How to use the action tool:

  • Philippians 2:5

Prayer: Father, I ask that my actions today would be humble and that I may consider the interests of others more than myself.  May I have the attitude today of my King and Your Son Jesus Christ who emptied himself to become a bond servant for Your Kingdom.

  • Romans 8:28

Prayer: Father, I thank You that I am called according to your purpose.  I also know that You cause all things to work together for good because I choose to love You.

Time Tool:  This tool measures the length, frequency and quality of life’s activities.

How to use the time tool:

  • Ephesians 5:15

Prayer:  Father, may I be careful how I walk and spend my time today, making wise decisions and making the most of the time I have.  You have given me wisdom to see that the days are evil, so I also pray for a continued understanding to be in your will and to be fruitful for your Kingdom.

  • Proverbs 21:5, Psalm 33:11, James 4:13, 1 Cor. 9:26, Colossians 4:5

Prayer: Father, I pray that I may be steady & productive and that my efforts today may lead to finding favor.  May I not fall to the temptation of rushing and hurrying around so that I may stay far from poverty.  May my time be led by Your instructions and the plans of Your heart.  It is only by Your will that I have today so I pray that my aim may be true, that I may discipline my body, and be a righteous example to others.  Finally, may I conduct my life activities today with wisdom and let my speech be seasoned with grace that I may bear wonderful fruit for Your Kingdom as I have opportunity with people you bring into my path.

Perseverance & Temptation Tool:  This offers incredible staying & gripping abilities.

How to use the Perseverance tool:

  • Romans 5:3, Romans 15:1-6

Prayer: Father, I thank You that hard times strengthens my ability to keep going, it develops my character and brings me hope that does not disappoint because Your love has been poured out within my heart through the Holy Spirit who was given to me.  Your Word reminds me to bear the weaknesses of those without strength and to have hope through the perseverance and encouragement of the scriptures.  Through Your grace & strength I choose to glorify You with the one voice of Your Church.

  • 1 Cor 10:13, John 6:27

Prayer: Father, Your Word is powerful and I know You are faithful.  You will not allow me to be tempted beyond what I can handle.  I praise You because I know every temptation also comes with the way of escape so that I may endure all things.  Remind me that I do not work for food that perishes, but for food that endures to eternal life.  Jesus gives me this eternal food because upon Him, You have set Your seal.

Purpose Tool:  Adjusts and clarifies the reason for the actions of your life.

How to use the Purpose tool:

  • 1 Peter 2:21

Prayer: Father, I stand firm in the knowledge that I have been called for a purpose.  Jesus left the perfect example for me to follow as the result of His suffering.  May I clearly remember my purpose to not live in sin and to never mislead in my words or actions.  May I never practice abusive or insulting behavior even when people are abusive toward me.  I choose to never threaten or retaliate because it is You who is the righteous judge and You will handle the actions of those that try to bring harm to me.

  • Philippians 2:12-16

Prayer:  Father, I recognize that it is You at work in me so that I may will and work for your good pleasure.  It is my aim to do all things without grumbling or arguing; that I may prove to be blameless and innocent as Your child, above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.


Focus Tool:  Used to direct my attention and efforts towards things that matter.

How to use the Focus tool:

  • Proverbs 17:24, Romans 8:7

Prayer:  Father, I cry out for understanding in this moment so that wisdom may be in my presence.  May the focus of my eyes be upon the work you have already prepared for me this moment and not upon the ends of the earth which is the folly of a fool.

  • Proverbs 4:25-26, 1 Chronicles 29:18-19, Philippians 3:14-15

Prayer:  Father, right now I fix my eyes and look directly ahead to clearly see the path of my feet so that the direction I’m travelling will be firmly established in what you have planned for the purpose of bearing good fruit.  May the intentions of my heart be righteous so that You may delight in me.  Please form in me a perfect, uncluttered and focused heart so that I may walk according to Your will and Your plans.

Foundation Tool:   Reminds us and exposes what is the base support of our lives.

How to use the Foundation Tool:

  • 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

Prayer:  Father, I confess and proclaim that I am Your temple and that Your Holy Spirit dwells within me.  Your Word says that if anyone tries to corrupt or spoil who I am in You that You will bring that person to corruption.  I praise You that I am holy for You are holy.

  • Ephesians 2:20-22

Prayer:  Father, thank you that I am a citizen of Your household that is built on the foundation of Your apostles and prophets of which Your Son, Jesus is the chief corner stone.  I see clearly that I am part of the whole building being fitted together as we all grow into a holy temple of which You are the King.  Build up Your people Oh Lord, that together, we may be a dwelling place for You.

Confidence ToolUse this tool as a reminder of who you are and where your strength comes from.

How to use the Confidence Tool:

Psalm 139:13-14

Prayer:  Father, your Word reminds me that I am uniquely made by your hands from my mother’s womb.  I am humbled at the great respect and thought you have invested into me as a person.  Thank you for setting me apart to do the special work you have planned.  Thank you for the strength of your character and wonderful friendship that you have offered, so that I may accomplish what you set before me.

1 Samuel 16:7

Prayer:  Father, I find great joy in knowing that you search the depths of my heart and soul to know my innermost thoughts and intentions.  Thank you that my purpose is not based upon my size, strength or appearance but upon the nature that is deep within.  I invite you to shape and mold me for your purposes as I march forward knowing that I am a child of the King!