Declarations of Praise
Declarations of Praise! Tool Box pdf version HERE Use these condensed declarations taken from the book of Psalms to use as a tool to sit and worship in the Father’s presence. It will bring a fresh richness in your time together! I know Your name and put my trust in You. You do not abandon…
Read MoreGod’s love & the abiding lifestyle
My life is not my own
My life is not my own I am joined, permanently united, with Christ. We are moving in the same direction, joined together. I share in the likeness of His death and in the power of His resurrection. My thoughts are not my own We are moving through life now together. Every high and every low.…
Read MoreSharpen the axe edge
If you’ve ever swung an axe with a dull edge trying to chop wood then you know how frustrating it can be to make any progress. You might say it’s a bit like cutting a thick steak with a dull butter knife. Recently doing some reading in Ecclesiastes 10:10 which says, “If the axe is…
Read MoreIs there life in this?
Colossians 3: I love how the MSG translation writes this. A good reminder! There are so many things in which to spend our energy and time on…..but I’m learning to up my discipline game in this process called life because while these activities aren’t necessarily bad they simply have no real life present in them.…
Read MoreCrave with caution
In the last blog post I touched on the idea of extreme or excess thinking that is more subtle and less “in your face.” It is often the more unassuming things that sneak into our lives and have big impacts because we don’t see it coming. When you’ve become hardened to the Holy Spirit in…
Read MoreExcess Living….it’s addictive
Excess living, what do you think it is? Is it loud, bold, everything extreme and in your face? Is it subtle, unassuming, ordinary and present in our everyday lives hiding and common place? There are more options, distractions, noise and lights than ever before. There is an old saying, “the squeaky wheel gets the grease.” …
Read MoreHis nature & ways
Keep in mind is that Jesus Christ is the foundation. So anyone who truly desires to live the Christian life, shall build upon him. Not anyone or anything else. Question: How do I build “on” Jesus? What does this look like? Great question. Consider these 4 points as a beginning: a. Keeping God’s word is…
Read MoreHow to change to a new you
How to change to a new you Always thank God our Father for these truths so that we may learn to run a worthy race. Work these truths, everyday into our lives, so that we may persevere and overcome by his grace and his great love for us and the everlasting hope to be…
Read MoreI want to be faithful
There has been a common theme in my life as a believer. The Lord is such a faithful lover of my soul. I am such a fickle, inconsistent recipient of his tremendous and faithful love. Falling and failing to be the person my heavenly father deserves is a position I’ve been in many times. There…
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